home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * FMS.C
- *
- * File Disk Device (fmsdisk.device)
- *
- * Simulates a trackdisk by using a large file to hold the 'blocks'.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/errors.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <devices/trackdisk.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- /*#define DEBUG*/
- #define CMD_OPENUNIT (0x7FF0 & ~TDF_EXTCOM)
- #define CMD_CLOSEUNIT (0x7FF1 & ~TDF_EXTCOM)
- #define CMD_KILLPROC (0x7FF2 & ~TDF_EXTCOM)
- #define EXT_CHUNK 4096
- void SynchroMsg();
- void ExtendSize();
- extern int TagDevOpen();
- extern int TagDevClose();
- extern int TagDevExpunge();
- extern int TagDevBeginIO();
- extern int TagDevAbortIO();
- extern void *CreateProc();
- extern void *CreatePort();
- extern void *AllocMem();
- typedef struct Library LIB;
- typedef struct Device DEV;
- typedef struct Process PROC;
- typedef struct MsgPort PORT;
- typedef struct Message MSG;
- typedef struct List LIST;
- typedef struct Node NODE;
- typedef long (*func_ptr)();
- typedef struct {
- struct Unit U;
- UWORD OpenCnt;
- long Fh; /* file handle */
- long Size; /* current size */
- long Pos; /* current position */
- char Extended; /* file has been extended */
- char Reserved;
- } NDUnit;
- typedef struct {
- LIB Lib;
- NDUnit Unit[32];
- } NDev;
- typedef struct {
- struct Message io_Message;
- struct Device *io_Device; /* device node pointer */
- struct Unit *io_Unit; /* unit (driver private)*/
- UWORD io_Command; /* device command */
- UBYTE io_Flags;
- BYTE io_Error; /* error or warning num */
- ULONG io_Actual; /* actual number of bytes transferred */
- ULONG io_Length; /* requested number bytes transferred*/
- APTR io_Data; /* points to data area */
- ULONG io_Offset; /* offset for block structured devices */
- long iotd_Count; /* (extension) */
- long iotd_SecLabel; /* (extension) */
- } IOB;
- extern char DeviceName[];
- extern char IdString[];
- extern void DUMmySeg();
- long SysBase = NULL;
- long DOSBase = NULL;
- NDev *DevBase = NULL;
- APTR DevSegment = NULL;
- PORT *FProc = NULL;
- PORT FPort;
- NDev *
- Init(seg)
- APTR seg;
- {
- static func_ptr DevVectors[] = {
- (func_ptr)TagDevOpen,
- (func_ptr)TagDevClose,
- (func_ptr)TagDevExpunge,
- (func_ptr)TagDevBeginIO,
- (func_ptr)TagDevAbortIO,
- (func_ptr)-1
- };
- NDev *db;
- SysBase = *(long *)4;
- DOSBase = (struct DosLibrary *)OpenLibrary("dos.library", 0);
- DevBase = db = (NDev *)MakeLibrary((long **)DevVectors,NULL,NULL,sizeof(NDev),NULL);
- db->Lib.lib_Node.ln_Type = NT_DEVICE;
- db->Lib.lib_Node.ln_Name = DeviceName;
- db->Lib.lib_Flags = LIBF_CHANGED|LIBF_SUMUSED;
- db->Lib.lib_Version = 1;
- db->Lib.lib_IdString= (APTR)IdString;
- DevSegment = seg;
- AddDevice((DEV *)db);
- return(db);
- }
- NDev *
- DevOpen(unitnum, iob, flags)
- long unitnum;
- IOB *iob;
- long flags;
- {
- NDev *nd = DevBase;
- NDUnit *unit = &nd->Unit[unitnum];
- if (++nd->Lib.lib_OpenCnt == 1) {
- FProc = CreateProc("FMS-Dummy", 0, (long)DUMmySeg >> 2, 4096);
- FPort.mp_SigBit = SIGBREAKB_CTRL_D; /* port init */
- FPort.mp_SigTask= FProc->mp_SigTask;
- FPort.mp_Flags = PA_SIGNAL;
- NewList(&FPort.mp_MsgList);
- }
- if (++unit->OpenCnt == 1)
- SynchroMsg(CMD_OPENUNIT, unit);
- nd->Lib.lib_Flags &= ~LIBF_DELEXP;
- iob->io_Unit = (struct Unit *)unit;
- iob->io_Error = 0;
- return(nd);
- }
- DevExpunge()
- {
- NDev *nd = DevBase;
- if (DevSegment == NULL)
- Alert(24, (char *)24);
- if (nd->Lib.lib_OpenCnt) {
- nd->Lib.lib_Flags |= LIBF_DELEXP;
- return(NULL);
- }
- Remove((NODE *)nd);
- FreeMem((char *)nd - nd->Lib.lib_NegSize, nd->Lib.lib_NegSize + nd->Lib.lib_PosSize);
- DevSegment = NULL;
- return(DevSegment);
- }
- DevClose(iob)
- IOB *iob;
- {
- NDev *nd = DevBase;
- {
- NDUnit *unit = (NDUnit *)iob->io_Unit;
- if (unit->OpenCnt && --unit->OpenCnt == 0)
- SynchroMsg(CMD_CLOSEUNIT, unit);
- }
- if (nd->Lib.lib_OpenCnt && --nd->Lib.lib_OpenCnt)
- return(NULL);
- if (FProc) {
- FProc = NULL;
- }
- if (nd->Lib.lib_Flags & LIBF_DELEXP)
- return(DevExpunge());
- /*
- * close down resources
- */
- return(NULL);
- }
- void
- DevBeginIO(iob)
- IOB *iob;
- {
- /*NDev *nd = DevBase;*/
- iob->io_Error = 0;
- iob->io_Actual = 0;
- switch(iob->io_Command & ~TDF_EXTCOM) {
- iob->io_Error = IOERR_NOCMD;
- break;
- case CMD_RESET:
- break;
- case CMD_READ:
- PutMsg(&FPort, &iob->io_Message);
- iob->io_Flags &= ~IOF_QUICK; /* not quick */
- iob = NULL;
- break;
- case CMD_WRITE:
- PutMsg(&FPort, &iob->io_Message);
- iob->io_Flags &= ~IOF_QUICK; /* not quick */
- iob = NULL;
- break;
- case CMD_UPDATE:
- break;
- case CMD_CLEAR:
- break;
- case CMD_STOP:
- break;
- case CMD_START:
- break;
- case CMD_FLUSH:
- break;
- case TD_MOTOR: /* motor, no action */
- case TD_SEEK: /* seek, no action */
- break;
- case TD_FORMAT: /* format */
- PutMsg(&FPort, &iob->io_Message);
- iob->io_Flags &= ~IOF_QUICK; /* not quick */
- iob = NULL;
- break;
- case TD_REMOVE: /* not supported */
- iob->io_Error = IOERR_NOCMD;
- break;
- case TD_CHANGENUM: /* change count never changes */
- iob->io_Actual = 1;
- break;
- case TD_CHANGESTATE: /* 0=disk in drive */
- iob->io_Actual = 0;
- break;
- case TD_PROTSTATUS: /* io_Actual -> 0 (rw) */
- iob->io_Actual = 0;
- break;
- case TD_RAWREAD: /* not supported */
- iob->io_Error = IOERR_NOCMD;
- break;
- case TD_GETDRIVETYPE: /* drive type? */
- iob->io_Actual = 0;
- break;
- iob->io_Actual = 0; /* # of tracks? */
- break;
- case TD_ADDCHANGEINT: /* action never taken */
- break;
- default:
- iob->io_Error = IOERR_NOCMD;
- break;
- }
- if (iob) {
- if ((iob->io_Flags & IOF_QUICK) == 0)
- ReplyMsg((MSG *)iob);
- }
- }
- void
- DevAbortIO(iob)
- IOB *iob;
- {
- }
- /*
- * Server communications
- */
- void
- SynchroMsg(cmd, unit)
- UWORD cmd;
- struct Unit *unit;
- {
- IOB Iob;
- Iob.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = CreatePort(NULL, 0);
- Iob.io_Command = cmd;
- Iob.io_Unit = unit;
- PutMsg(&FPort, &Iob.io_Message);
- WaitPort(Iob.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort);
- DeletePort(Iob.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort);
- }
- /*
- *
- * File name is:
- */
- void
- CoProc()
- {
- IOB *iob;
- NDUnit *unit;
- char buf[128];
- char notdone = 1;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- long fh = Open("con:0/0/320/100/Debug", 1006);
- #endif
- Wait(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D); /* wait for port init */
- while (notdone) {
- WaitPort(&FPort);
- while (iob = (IOB *)GetMsg(&FPort)) {
- unit = (NDUnit *)iob->io_Unit;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- sprintf(buf, "Cmd %08lx/%04x @ %08lx Buf %08lx %04x\n",
- unit, iob->io_Command, iob->io_Offset, iob->io_Data, iob->io_Length
- );
- Write(fh, buf, strlen(buf));
- #endif
- switch(iob->io_Command & ~TDF_EXTCOM) {
- sprintf(buf, "FMS:Unit%d", unit - &DevBase->Unit[0]);
- unit->Fh = Open(buf, 1005);
- if (unit->Fh == NULL) {
- unit->Fh = Open(buf, 1006);
- unit->Extended = 1;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- Write(fh, "OPEN ", 5);
- Write(fh, buf, strlen(buf));
- Write(fh, "\n", 1);
- #endif
- if (unit->Fh) {
- Seek(unit->Fh, 0L, 1);
- unit->Size = Seek(unit->Fh, 0L, -1);
- }
- unit->Pos = -1;
- break;
- if (unit->Fh) {
- Close(unit->Fh);
- unit->Fh = NULL;
- }
- break;
- notdone = 0;
- break;
- case CMD_READ:
- if (unit->Fh == NULL)
- break;
- if (iob->io_Offset + iob->io_Length > unit->Size)
- ExtendSize(unit, iob->io_Offset + iob->io_Length);
- if (unit->Pos != iob->io_Offset)
- Seek(unit->Fh, iob->io_Offset, -1);
- iob->io_Actual = Read(unit->Fh, (char *)iob->io_Data, iob->io_Length);
- if (iob->io_Actual == iob->io_Length)
- unit->Pos = iob->io_Offset + iob->io_Actual;
- else
- unit->Pos = -1;
- break;
- case CMD_WRITE:
- /*
- * This causes file to be closed/reopened after
- * formatting.
- */
- if (unit->Extended && unit->Fh) {
- Close(unit->Fh);
- sprintf(buf, "FMS:Unit%d", unit - &DevBase->Unit[0]);
- unit->Fh = Open(buf, 1005);
- unit->Extended = 0;
- }
- /* fall through */
- case TD_FORMAT:
- if (unit->Fh == NULL)
- break;
- if (iob->io_Offset > unit->Size)
- ExtendSize(unit, iob->io_Offset);
- if (unit->Pos != iob->io_Offset)
- Seek(unit->Fh, iob->io_Offset, -1);
- iob->io_Actual = Write(unit->Fh, (char *)iob->io_Data, iob->io_Length);
- if (iob->io_Actual == iob->io_Length)
- unit->Pos = iob->io_Offset + iob->io_Actual;
- else
- unit->Pos = -1;
- break;
- }
- if (notdone == 0) /* forbid before falling through */
- Forbid(); /* and esp before replying */
- ReplyMsg(&iob->io_Message);
- }
- }
- /* fall through to exit */
- }
- /*
- * Extend the file size in 4K chunks
- */
- void
- ExtendSize(unit, offset)
- NDUnit *unit;
- long offset;
- {
- long pos;
- char *buf = AllocMem(EXT_CHUNK, MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (buf) {
- if (unit->Extended == 0)
- unit->Extended = 1;
- Seek(unit->Fh, 0L, 1);
- pos = Seek(unit->Fh, 0L, 0);
- while (pos < offset) {
- if (Write(unit->Fh, buf, EXT_CHUNK) != EXT_CHUNK)
- break;
- pos += EXT_CHUNK;
- }
- FreeMem(buf, EXT_CHUNK);
- unit->Pos = -1; /* unknown */
- }
- }